Payment Methods


At the moment to buy directly on the website of Farmacia Italiana Genova you may use several payment methods. Depending from the payment you may receive discounts and/or extra commissions. REMEMBER that you won’t pay directly at the check out: once you place an order you’ll be shortly contacted back to define the payment methods. More details at the page “How to place an order“.

If you have any doubt, any question or you’re in need of any info please feel free to CONTACT US before placing an order.

Accepted Payment Methods:

  • Bitcoin and/or Ethereum – 5% Discount – Payment processing time: 5-15 minutes
    This is the best way to pay online in this industry and we highly advise to pay with crypto also with us. It’s an easy way to pay, it’s fast and it is completely encrypted and anonymous. If you pay with Bitcoin or Ethereum you will receive 5% of discount on every single item.
  • Paypal – 1% Commission – Payment processing time: real time
    Paypal is probably the most famous online payment processor Cheap, very safe and quick.
  • Neteller – 8€ Commission – Payment processing time: real time
    Powered by Skrill Neteller is getting always more popular thanks to the encrypted transitions and velocity of processing.
  • Sepa Wire Transfer – Commission – Payment processing time: 1-2 working days
    This payment method is reserved only to well known clients. The bank account must be in the SEPA area. The recipient account that we use is a third party account.
  • Credit Card (external site) – Payment processing time: few minutes
    We accept credit cards via Stripe on a third party website whereas your order will be replicated for you.

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Metodi di pagamento in Italiano

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